Artificial Intelligence

It is a constellation of different technologies, working together to enable machines to perceive, understand, act and learn at levels of intelligence comparable to humans. This probably explains why there are so many definitions of artificial intelligence: AI is not limited to just one technology.

Technologies like machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) are part of AI. Each of them evolves at their own pace and follows their own path, but when combined with data, analytics or automation, they can help companies achieve their goals, whether it's improving customer service or optimizing the supply chain.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

  1. Reduce human error: The decisions made by the AI ​​at each stage are decided by previously collected information and a certain set of algorithms. When programmed correctly, these errors can be reduced to zero.
  2. 24/7 availability: AI can work all the time, without pause. Also, it thinks much faster than humans and multitasks with accurate results. They can even easily handle repetitive and tedious tasks with the help of AI algorithms.
  3. Impartial Decisions: It is a fact that human beings are guided by emotions. The AI, on the other hand, is devoid of emotions and adopts a highly practical and rational approach, which guarantees more precise, but above all, objective decisions.

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Data level

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